Norton (803) 336-4697

Scam Number: (803) 336-4697
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:

Order #52411

Amount: $336.71

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803-336-4697 Thursday 3-28-24 7:09PM EST


lol, this is the exact same one I found just now

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"Do you have a google chrome or microsoft edge on your computer? He told me then to type “” and to enter the code “96486” After a failed attempt to connect to my computer he locked my computer with this screen:

After this, I suspended the VM with resourcemonitor, he then told me to “Get a real job” despite HIM being a scammer.

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They never cease to befuddle me with their logic, Horse.

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According to their logic, I have a fake job and they don’t, despite them literally scamming innocent people and they are questioning why 70% of the calls they get are fake.

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And there it is in a nutshell! Exactly how they view it.

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