Scam Number: +1-833-680-0386 / +44-808-501-5701
Scammer’s Website or Email: / [email protected]
Additional information about this scam:
My grandfather had 3 charges on his card with reference to, all small amounts.
Website looks sus and there’s a reference to Bromotime Limited, which has its own website
Main website mentions refunds so thinking this could be the start of a refund scam?
$ 0.00 access for 5 days. This converts to a 30 day billing subscription for $ 39.95 after 5 days. This recurs every 30 days for $ 39.95 until canceled.
Might be legitimate, as they have a free trial many people don’t pay attention to when signing up and submitting their payment info.
A week ago I came across a similar website that might be affiliated to them. Same type of unknown charges reported.
This charge will show on your statement as 'bra-str.com8449591669 Magtastic Inc. 7800 Sunset Drive, Miami, FL, 33143, USA
The other websites do initially look legitimate individually, but there are so many that use the same cookie-cutter templates and hidden fees, it’s all very suspicious:
Also oddly Bromotime Limited appear to have connections with other sites such as explicit gaming (just by Googling their name), so god knows how much fraud is going on.
I will wait to hear the outcome from the bank and then possibly report them on Companies House.