New website tag?

I and a lot of other people really like to help out taking down scam sites, Especially with scam sites it is very important that a lot of people can report them, but it takes a lot of time sorting out which posts have sites that we can report. Could an extra “website” tag be an option? Just like the “telephone number” tag?


That would be very helpful.

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I think it’s worth the benefit

I’ve done something even better. Anyone with level 3 trust or above can now create tags themselves, have fun!

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Hi Thunder,
How do you up your trust level? I am “regular” trust level. How do get bummed up?

I made you lv4 manually, it’s the highest level

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How do I make an extra tag? I really like this idea to be honest.

There’s an option to create, just type in the name of the tag you wish you add.