Scam Number: +1(803) 875-0594
Scammer’s Website or Email: [email protected]
Additional information about this scam: Tech Support Scam Norton Billing, Fake Refund Scam
Please be sure to write out important info so that our content is accessible to screen readers!
Carrier: Skype
Call Center Location: India
Answers as: “Suppoat” or “Norton”
Falsely Claims: Computer came with a free trial to Norton
Remote Access Software: ConnectWise from (Code: 01215, IP: ), an iFrame of (IP: ), or AnyDesk (Address: 1459425891/iPhone Password: refund1234)
The first bhenchod refused to “suppoat,” so I got a separate bhenchod who was completely unprepared. I faked the ConnectWise download not working and was asked to install AnyDesk.
- Once remotely connected to my virtual machine, the bhenchod refused to “suppoat”
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New number for them +1(828) 283-1110
They’re still active on the last updated number. Incase anyone’s interested. Still say customer support.
Just got a call back from the Benchod
(228) 367-4283
He answers immediately. I was testing their lines and get a call back from a different number. If only someone that knows how to call flood could shut these down.