"National Police & Sheriff's Coalition PAC"

Scam Number: (877) 412-7432
Scammer’s Website or Email: https://www.nationalpolicecoalition.org
Additional information about this call: I’m calling it a scam at least until I find some IRS filing that says they’re an “IRS 527 political organization” as their website claims. I don’t believe they’re a PAC or a charitable organization.
The first call today said it was for a firefighters’ PAC. I’ll have to get the name and URL for that from my recording of the call. National Committee for Volunteer Firefighters PAC (Formerly known as the National Coalition for Volunteer Firefighters PAC.)
Calling the toll-free number gets a “Mike Anderson” who I’m pretty sure is an AI. If he says “I’ll put you on our do not call list,” then the number you call from is probably going to be blocked.
Talking to Mike the AI Guy, I got two more phone numbers, (844) 207-6772 and (877) 218-5435. I didn;t get to try those until today, and they both go to “subscriber is unavailable” voicemails, probably because it’s not saturday evening.
As a former law enforcement officer and volunteer firefighter, I will give these mopes exactly what I suspcet they’ve given to the causes they claim to represent: NOTHING.