Nasruddin Bhai Nooruddin, Chaturali Alauldin Roy ARRESTED over SSA SCAM

On September 5, 2024, the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia arrested two residents for facilitating a Social Security scam that started out with a fraudulent cold call under the guise of Amazon, falsely claiming the victim was charged $4,000 for a computer. The victim would then be contacted by a coworker who took the guise of an officer with the United States Social Security Administration, asking the victim to send a photo of their ID and withdraw all but $1,500 in their bank account.

Two individuals were arrested after arriving at the victim’s home to collect the money, which the scammers claim would be “held by the U.S. Department of Treasury” until the victim got a “new Social Security number:”

  • Chaturali Alauldin Roy (69)
  • Nasruddin Bhai Nooruddin (52)