My recommendation for hardware / guide for new baiters

Hello fellow scambaiters,

Before i begin take everything i say with a grain of salt your milage may vary with the recommendations i give ( you might win the silicon lottery )

First of all it depends what you want to do I’ll try stick to handling tech “support” scams which often requires a vm, vpn.

In my experience ram and storage are the most important.
More ram = more vms and more services you could run
More storage = more space for files etc

The cpu is also quite important as it should support virtualization (VT-x for intel, amd-v for amd) next your cpu needs to support hyperthreading i would say the sweet spot is 8 cores (however my personal cpu has 4 core 8 threads)

In terms of ram 16gb should be considered the minimum (if you use windows as a host) preferably ddr4
You could get away with 8 but thats stretching it even if you use a linux host (i have 24gb since i feel like i outgrown 16)

Storage is more dependent on the individual however i would say 256 gb+ (i have a 256gb ssd and a 2 tb hdd)
In general ssd > hdd

As for GPU this is less important in scambaiting and tbh you could get by using integrated graphics (i still wouldn’t recommend though)

This is for the general scambaiter running a few vms trolling scammers if you are a special case you probably wouldn’t need to read this guide

Anyways feel free to add anything below
Stay safe fellow baiters!

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