Our Official YT Page Russian’s do scambaiting
Discord Will be coming soon as well as other things.
Subscribe I’ll be dropping my first public video here soon.
Here’s a roadmap of what I plan to do and when you can expect it to be done.
Starting out
Week 1: First video uploaded and introduction to my skills sets and me as a person.
1-2 Weeks from now: discord server will be up and running.
1-4 Weeks from now: 2 public videos should be published and I should have a few things rolling.
3-5 Weeks from now: 2 to 3 videos A Status report on some things and some new tools published
4-7 Weeks from now: I’ll begin website development and should finish within 20 weeks or so (I Plan to go big here).
Further out plans
12+ Weeks from now: 15 Videos published, Telegram/Signal Group made and a fully done guide to my methods will be published.
20+ Weeks from now: Website is done, Mainly bug/exploit free and free from scammers attacks.
40+ Weeks from now: 45+ Videos and all social medias up to date and will be doing some sort of large scale take down as a group.
Finish up and Help out from the big chair in my office.
5 years out: Moving forward with life. I Plan to aide from the big leagues as a corporation not so much a free opt-in movement, I’ll be 26 with a lotta cash so I think I’d be best suited to branch out and work as a company lending out servers, VoIP Services and other things to help scam baiters take hold of the movement. I’ll begin to develop some programs, websites and other useful tools to keep evolving the scam baiters toolbox. I Think this is semi-profitable as it’s more of a rental service for servers, VoIP, VPNs and other tools I May offer.
If Subscribe to my channels and let me know what you think or if you’re able to lend a hand lmk, I’d appericate the love and support. Would love to team up with some people.