My In-Depth Guide To Fake Valid Credit Cards

My In-Depth Guide To Fake Valid Credit Cards.

So if you have seen my starter guide I talked about a test credit card. This credit card is made for developers to test their payment system on their website. What this means is basically say one of the sample cards given from a credit card company is supposed to trigger a reaction in the system to say it's denied and your system accepts it means your system has something wrong. This is a check to see if your website is working so what we can do is use these numbers to get a valid card that will show in their system as valid but will not give any money what so ever. Here is the website link

I found a card i use all the time 5506 9242 9580 4792 The address associated with the card is 1 Main Street, the ZIP code is 12345, and the CVC code is 123. This specific card is great cause it also says the CVC code and location of the card so you can fill it out and it is not going to decline.

Why not use the generated cards off sites like identity generator:
Because they are not valid they just follow the card format which will get you somewhere but use my method and you can waste an extra 5 minutes of their scammer time.

I'm going to copy and paste this so I don't have to explain the entire Kuhn formula.

How to validate a Credit Card Number?
Most credit card number can be validated using the Kuhn algorithm, which is more or a less a glorified Modulo 10 formula!

The Kuhn Formula:
Drop the last digit from the number. The last digit is what we want to check against
Reverse the numbers
Multiply the digits in odd positions (1, 3, 5, etc.) by 2 and subtract 9 to all any result higher than 9
Add all the numbers together
The check digit (the last number of the card) is the amount that you would need to add to get a multiple of 10 (Modulo 10)
Kuhn Example:
Step Total
Original Number: 4 5 5 6 7 3 7 5 8 6 8 9 9 8 5 5
Drops the last digit: 4 5 5 6 7 3 7 5 8 6 8 9 9 8 5
Reverse the digits: 5 8 9 9 8 6 8 5 7 3 7 6 5 5 4
Multiple odd digits by 2: 10 8 18 9 16 6 16 5 14 3 14 6 10 5 8
Subtract 9 to numbers over 9: 1 8 9 9 7 6 7 5 5 3 5 6 1 5 8
Add all numbers: 1 8 9 9 7 6 7 5 5 3 5 6 1 5 8 85
Mod 10: 85 modulo 10 = 5 (last digit of card)

Use this number 5506 9242 9580 4792 The address associated with the card is 1 Main Street, the ZIP code is 12345, and the CVC code is 123. The 12345 zip code is the zip code of 12345
Postal code in Schenectady County, New York.

Hope this helps from your fellow scambaiter Coco on sbu or Joe Smith on we same person too separate discord accounts.

that is an amazing formula , wish i could follow… so backwards deduct then upside down, ahh what number do we begin with ?

Yeah use the number in conclusion cause it works I was saying the the fake card generators follow that format and the format of real cards is the luhn formula but just having that wont work so Use this number 5506 9242 9580 4792 The address associated with the card is 1 Main Street, the ZIP code is 12345, and the CVC code is 123. The 12345 zip code is the zip code of 12345

Postal code in Schenectady County, New York.

@ATOhelpline#150318 ha clever but can’t follow


@JoeSmith#150206 Here is the website link Test card numbers | Simplify Payments for Developers.

The link does not work :-/


@JoeSmith#150206 Why not use the generated cards off sites like identity generator:

> Because they are not valid they just follow the card format which will get you somewhere but use my method and you can waste an extra 5 minutes of their scammer time.

True - they are not truly valid credit card numbers, but a casual check does indicate they are valid, as they do follow the proper format. The added benefit is you can additionally specify individual banks/countries they are drawn on. The test number you gave does not appear to be associated with any particular bank, which would likely raise a red flag for scammers like the zero interest guys - who need to contact a customer service number for the particular bank to generate a statement. Try giving them the generic master card CS number and watch them bitch and moan :)

@Otis#151495 Yeah I Agree But Its Mastercard And This Is For When They Check Refund Scams Dont Care Like An Online Medicine Scam Do Have To Go Through