Mircosoft pop up phishing

Scam Number: +1-818-465-2458

Scammer’s Website or Email: ||**//PIrRated_C0mputer_err*or_Co0de_#0x00x9786bx6//**||

Additional information about this scam: Source of phishing page

818-465-2458 Rachel Wednesday 4-24-24 11:27AM EST

888-842-0768 David

This number appeared two days ago:

Two-digit random code IVR, then I get a hang up.

Unable to get any of those barely alive executives to talk and play scam with me here.

Peerless, I was asked to press 4, 6 to “speak with live executive” before “this side David” answered as the “Microsoft Suppoat team” before falsely claiming an “attempt of hacking” took place within the past 48 hours, prompting me to run the command prompt before hanging up on me.

  • I called back and “this side is Rachel” and “this side is David” were too deaf to even provide “suppoat,” so I called back once more and “Leo” wanted me to install UltraViewer (ID: 78329682/DESKTOP-C56APSP) to “connect to the Microsoft secure server.”
  • Once “Leo” remotely connected to my virtual machine, I was asked to run the “netstat” command in the Command Prompt" before hanging up on me.
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yea because they get flooded with calls and they shut down their numbers.

These people have gotten smarter mate , try calling them from real caller IDs instead of textnow / google voice.

I was calling from a PBX server.

and that is why your call passed their calling system i guess, because some of the users in above thread reported that they were not able to get through.