Microsoft Tech Support Scam

Scam Number: 8663080191
Domain Used:
Extra Info: found using "microsoft" "support" "number"

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Callback number is 702-895-6230. This dope has called me back 7 times and stayed on the phone for over 5 minutes each time. He was offended by what i said. BOO HOO! I just take my earphone out and let him talk to nobody.


If only we had a dollar for every time we shake our heads at the IDIOCY of some of these criminals!

+1 (866) 308-0191 …I just now called and a guy answered and he said his name was what sounded like God or Goat. but he pronounced it like it was spelled Gode. I asked, “Your name is God or goat?” He said his name again and this time it seemed like his fake name is Scott but he pronounced it as Scote.

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RETARDS! He kept calling because I used a 27 word long expletive rant. He said it was not okay for a lady to talk that way. I said WHO SAID I WAS A LADY? Besides, idiot, all you do is r**e your women so obviously you don’t respect them. So he called back seven times until I played the most nasty Indian music I could find. Made Richard yell and the cat hide under the bed.


Drat! When I called just now from my TextNow number the callback 702-895-6230, it keeps popping up that the user is busy. (Only lately I have noticed this within TextNow when I call some scammer numbers.)

I tried calling the callback 702-895-6230 from my “Unknown Number” VOIP phone, but I got that 3-tone beeping that denotes the inability to connect to a working number.

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Weird. Keep calling the main number. They are still answering.

Who said I was a lady! Touche, @JusticeinTexas!

Ha! Richard and the kitty cat freaked out on the Indian music!

Drat. I would have liked to have had the opportunity to speak to that guy at the callback number! :crazy_face:

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I have him on the line now. His name is supposed to be JACK. You can figure out what I did with that.

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Cool, I’ll call (866) 308-0191 and ask to be put on hold until I can be connected to Jack as he was helping me but the call dropped. I’d like to inform him why his mother is NOT a lady, and for that matter why is grandmother and sister are NOT ladies.

EDIT: Drat, now that (866) 308-0191 is busy both from my TextNow and from my Unknown Number VOIP. I’ll try again this afternoon though!


HAHAHA! Good one!

He called me back to complain about your calls! He is really pissed. I really got to him.


I love to see teamwork :grin:

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I love to see teamwork!

I love to see it too man. U and Justin are killing it out here!

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Number is down!!

New number (951) 579-7758

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(951) 579-7758 Active. Mike answered

(870) 759-2467 Called me back

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