🇩🇪 Microsoft fake support (German phone number)

Active again same number, different url:

Scam Number: +49 36777604601
Scammer’s Website or Email: https://clownfish-app-ic5xq.ondigitalocean.app/werrx01/?phone=03677-7604-601&bemobdata=c%3Dbda38ab9-2d52-4ebe-b138-7bbed3ecf240..l%3D5983a0af-f938-4408-9b13-76e683f31c33..a%3D0..b%3D0&cid=ULYra9noVSu8bX4dz3aDCJ&lpkey=eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiIxNjYzNzYyODY1IiwiaGFzaCI6IjYxM2ZiMWZmNTk4YmNlY2NjOTE4YmZiNGRiMzg0NGZmMjg1ZTY4NDEifQ%3D%3D

Additional information about this scam:
They use supremo first, then teamviewer.
Shows you how bad the state of your PC is by going to event viewer and stopped services in the task manager. Pretends to install a bunch of security stuff while screen is blacked out, then wants you to login to amazon, paypal etc. while running a keylogger probably. Got mad at me after over one hour for asking to many questions and locked my user account with a password.

Btw, that was my very first scambait call ever, got really excited. 1:23 hours in total, all recorded with OBS. :grin:


Site is dead now.

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Most likely because of the current time here, usually you don’t get many popups after 6 pm.

how did you encounter the popup? i havent found a german one yet :sweat_smile:

I’ve had troubles myself in the beginning. Key steps that worked for me are:

  1. do it on your VM because
  2. you have to disable your antivirus software (at least the web protection part)
  3. disable your (windows defender) firewall on the host and the guest system
  4. disable your browser’s security settings on the VM
  5. use PopupDB Generator to get the popups
  6. don’t forget to reactivate the firewall and antivirus on your host when done, on the VM I keep it deactivated

I do like 20 popups at once, check them, then repeat. Different browsers may work differently, I use Edge, Chrome is known to work well, too.


Active again same number, different url:

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