MetLife impersonators - (229) 522-6760

Carrier: Neutral Tandem
Call Center Location: Overseas, presumed Pakistan :pakistan:
Dailer used: Vicidial
Calls as: “Secure Life Insurance,” “Heritage Guard Life,” “Secure for Life,” “Secure Life” or “MetLife.”
Technician: “Jade,” “Roger,” “Kayla,” “Sam,” “AJ,” “Alexandra,” “Lilly,” “James William,” “David Andrews,” “William,” “Jacob Brown” and “Kevin Brown”

The scammers sent a fraudulent cold call to my PBX line to try and sell me a life insurance plan that they falsely claim was covered “by the state” and promoted on TV or through a card in the mailbox, but opted to have their American broker call be back at a later time.


Here’s more:

3396668276 Secure life
3396668280 Secure life
3396668287 Secure life
3396668288 Secure life*
3396668293 Secure life*
3396668296 Secure life
3396668297 Secure life
3396668299 Secure life
3396668302 Secure life
3396668303 Secure life
3396668306 Secure life
3396668307 Secure life
3396668308 Secure life
3396668309 Secure life
3396668312 Secure life
3396668313 Secure life
3396668318 Secure life
3396668319 Secure life
3396668320 Secure life
3396668321 Secure life
3396668322 Secure life
3396668323 Secure life
3396668325 Secure life
3396668326 Secure life
3396668328 Secure life
3396668330 Secure life
3396668331 Secure life
3396668334 Secure life
3396668336 Secure life
3396668337 Secure life


These numbers look familiar
The highly stressed screaming tone in all their voices when every one of those numbers was being dialed simultaneously for over 45 minutes is even more familiar.
Happy chappies and lassies they were not. :eyes:


3049449377 - Answering right now on this one.


NEW NUMBER: (223) 253-5088
Carrier: Neutral Tandem

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Hitting them up right now.