Mega Millions (239) 300-9384

Scam Number: (239) 300-9384
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: * Transcript Hello. Hey. Wonderful day. How are you doing today? My name is John Williams and I am contacting you from the Mega Million Sweepstakes and lottery deportment. Hello? / 239-300-9384 | 12393009384 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo

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call back number ‪(409) 226-8376‬


Really nasty and foul mouthed thug.


And pretty easy to fire up!
And racist.
And dumb as a soap dish


I sent him my Dixon Africa poem and he got so mad at me. Told me he was going to kill me. I told him that it sounds great. Come on up to Texas where we don’t call the cops. I have had no target practice for awhile. And we just feed them to the pigs.


:laughing::laughing::joy::joy: Yeah, I called him from six different phone numbers and the moron answered every time.
He threatened to kill me too :joy:
I could hear his little buddy in the background trying to scam someone.
He told me that he makes “$50"000 dollerz every day from stupid white MFers”
Bro probably hasn’t made 50 grand in his life

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I’m going use some of my Spoof Card numbers and call him back. :grin:

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239 300 9384 Pete Pushcart picked up, gave me his stale hell low but refused to play mega-million with me, obviously you guys have this idiot beat to hell.

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