Medicare imposters 206-758-9046

Scam Number: 206-758-9046
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Extra Info: Medicare imposters
Noisy. I hear 50 Hertz hum. Seems power outage in Delhi

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He got mad and called me bad names. My poor wittle feelings. :joy:

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They block after the first call. I’m spoofing and just saying “me again” and they’re getting super angry!!

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Haha. I got like ten calls in. All immediate hang ups

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They keep blocking, I keep spoofing. It is now just a matter of will. And as you know, I’m a pretty stubborn SOB. Lol

Hi MajorLeeAwesome. Sounds like you know what you’re doing. I started this hobby only recently and I realize my manual single-line calls are not very efficient. I have an idea to automate some stuff but I’m hoping there is a smarter way to do this. Is it okay if I send you a PM (on Discord)?


Welcome :slight_smile:

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