Medicare - (775) 524-8387

Carrier: Nuso
Call Center Location: Pakistan :pakistan:
Answers as: “Your Health Solution”
Verifier: “John”

The scammers sent a soliciting cold call to my Google Voice line to try to sell me “additional Medicare benefits” from their American broker, who refused to answer after my call was transferred.


Mary was barely understandable. Her verification agent was just as bad. Asking the same stupid questions and hung up on me when I objected to answering them all over again. And don’t give them a tough name. They cannot handle it. None of them speak English well. And for my card it is a red, white, and green card for non citizens. Right over his head. When I finally spoke to an American she had no idea about the stupid Filipino call center filled with people who can barely speak English and are as rude as hell.

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Rlly scared them, called tgem multiple times told them their location, not awnserin :frowning:

they’re still active and need to be harassed every day

I called them 45 times lmao, told them i had installed a virus on tbeir computers, their shitting bricks :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Gazillions of them Health solutions

I’ll have another thousand more at least by tomorrow