McTech Support (SPOOFED A SHERIFF'S OFFICE) - ‪(888) 836-2837‬

“Thank you for calling Technical Support. My name is Martin, how can I assist you today?”

888-836-2837 Jason Friday 8-11-23 2:01PM EST

Attempted callback from ‪(360) 499-6887‬ (Andy)

‪(470) 518-2063‬ (Jordan from McDonalds, picks up as your dad.)

‪(425) 998-2914‬ (Kevin from Microsoft)

‪(347) 971-4919‬ (Paul Alan from Microsoft)

‪(855) 324-2678‬ (Mike, the senior technician from Microsoft, calls are picked up by the Medical Alert Center)

‪(315) 500-0209‬ (David E Bois)

‪(626) 873-1491‬ (Loudchode)

‪(774) 430-1888‬ (David from Microsoft Support)

“Mike Sherma” attempted to callback from an unknown number. “Alex” attempted to callback from the number used by the Carroll County, Maryland sheriff’s office.

234-224-4346 Call Back
