McAfee antivirus sales/support 888-795-0895

Yesterday this menu was hilarious
The stupid bastards forgot to take the TicketMaster reference out, which they were doing for a while until their shitty fake website was up.
This was the menu yesterday. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They’ve realized they’re bottom feeders and have removed the TicketMaster reference from the menu overnight :rofl::rofl:
8887950895 McAfee antivirus sales/support


The confused once TicketMaster, now antivirus swindlers are still at it

8887950895 McAfee antivirus sales/support


Our team seems busy drop us a woice message — Random Randi Woice

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I get straight through to a dumb shit every time
Press ivr 1 for sales

888-795-0895 William Friday 11-1-24 2:07PM EST

These scammers dont really know what they’re doing. I kept two of them on the phone for about two hours arguing with them about why they need my CCV for a simple refund

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number appears to be down

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