I’m probably overstepping my bounds here, but this is the only place I could find that in all my searching referenced a scam that, hopefully, my mother (in her 80s) avoided.
She got an email for paypal charge from > alisha hall [email protected]
addressed to a TON of similar spelled emails (probably sequential off a list)
The text of that email is below.
They got her to open a browser and open a page gxcare.cc (refering to this url is how I found you guys with some other keywords) that had her enter a code, my guess is that probably gave them access to her computer (like tech support)
She then had a google docs page that honestly was a pretty piss poor paypal looking thing but she entered a lot of personal information there, no routing numbers or anything crazy but still NOT GOOD. (using history i found this again and subsequently reported via google links and its been removed)
They then wanted her to open another tab and log into her bank, she said the whole time she was questioning them, but at this point she hung up on them and got me.
I shut her computer off. Can anyone give me an idea of what exposure she has? It seems that most of the google docs stuff might have been just a part of the ‘confidence game’ and the real damage would have been with logging into bank but could the have been something installed or other issues.
Any help is appreciated.
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