Live Indian call center

Scam Number: 760-259-8692
Scammer’s Website or Email: N/A
Additional information about this scam:
Indian call center. They are impersonating google and or a 3rd party. The say theyre trying to advertise for your company. O called multiple times, multiple people. Several hangups after not giving them what they wanted. If you hit 1 it connects you to an agent. If you hit two, and want to get your number off the call list. We’ll, they get ypu off the call. They just hang up.
This is live. They’re looking for business owners wanting to advertise on Google. Voice google AND Alexa to be specific… haha. I’d love for someone to stop this. Thank you for your time and getting through this verbose comment of mine.


Onvoy number, scammers appear to have it masked as a Sprint line.

We don’t normally deal with Google Business listing scammers, but if benchodes are involved, then I’ll deploy Lenny to waste their time.