Lender services (big time player robocallers)

There are hundreds more but I have way too many very large projects on the go, some have been ongoing for over 2 years.
This’ll do for now :+1:

ivr 9 to connect on all numbers

2066474208 Lender services

2182978460 Lender services

2193383365 Lender services

2513155924 Lender services

2513158986 Lender services

3394661160 Lender services

3412404091 Lender services

3619062395 Lender services

3854800757 Lender services

4063032883 Lender services

4239064401 Lender services

4582762274 Lender services

4753047650 Lender services

4753048584 Lender services

4753095187 Lender services

4795450638 Lender services

5055817484 Lender services

5055817494 Lender services

5079105551 Lender services

5313464205 Lender services

5722409952 Lender services
572-240-9952 | 15722409952 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo

5822341667 Lender services

5822341706 Lender services

6058090292 Lender services

6072977818 Lender services

6073089810 Lender services

6233095598 Lender services

6674024883 Lender services

6813822073 Lender services

6813822203 Lender services

7027461574 Lender services

7027461822 Lender services

7027461918 Lender services

8574095308 Lender services

9017387105 Lender services

9063511633 Lender services

9126881212 Lender services

9862487092 Lender services

9862487221 Lender services

9893634018 Lender services

9893634926 Lender services

6072977501 Lender services

3855811604 Lender services

9844774103 Lender services

4239064842 Lender services

8068091944 Lender services

4582762344 Lender services


2066474922 Lender services

2105942033 Lender services

2105942981 Lender services

2107591506 Lender services

2522982749 Lender services

2522982822 Lender services

3619062779 Lender services

3642131543 Lender services

3854800782 Lender services

4582762234 Lender services

5055817370 Lender services

5099571728 Lender services

5313464105 Lender services

5854994236 Lender services

6453335100 Lender services

6813822303 Lender services

7439020134 Lender services

8022557237 Lender services

8392385105 Lender services

8507719385 Lender services

8507719860 Lender services

9135495741 Lender services

9708517488 Lender services

9708517920 Lender services

9844774169 Lender services

9862487398 Lender services

9893616977 Lender services

9893634921 Lender services

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These pricks are relentless robocallers .
Time to block them up and set some targeted area code searches going

2066474113 Lender services

2513157215 Lender services

2522982226 Lender services

3642131371 Lender services

4582762921 Lender services

5206750078 Lender services

6073088013 Lender services

8022557115 Lender services

9126881255 Lender services

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I have noticed the same scam operation is robocalling like lunatics today with one of their other well known scams. This is a very large scam operation

I can categorically say they are the same operation as Lender services, because if you do not change caller ID’s within 6 or so calls dialing any of these separate entities, it returns a mailbox is full error message.

They are also running a shitload of Google business scams in huge consecutive blocks right throughout every area code the numbers listed above are within

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Another 137 numbers these shits have robocalled with making a total so far of 221
I have only come across 7 numbers which were repeated once and two spoofed numbers which must have been system errors because the caller ID is the callback number for all 4 scams this operation is currently running

2066474102 Lender services

2066474276 Lender services

2073524677 Lender services

2105941963 Lender services

2107562113 Lender services

2107591637 Lender services

2107591996 Lender services

2138832770 Lender services

2138832962 Lender services

2183005741 Lender services

2183020452 Lender services

2193383865 Lender services

2193383975 Lender services

2254575147 Lender services

2282980011 Lender services

2513156122 Lender services

2513156506 Lender services

2522982343 Lender services

2534129049 Lender services

2792608944 Lender services

3024058945 Lender services

3146738198 Lender services

3146738229 Lender services

3394638821 Lender services
339-463-8821 | 13394638821 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3412404108 Lender services
341-240-4108 | 13412404108 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3412404206 Lender services
341-240-4206 | 13412404206 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3412404583 Lender services
341-240-4583 | 13412404583 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3412404623 Lender services
341-240-4623 | 13412404623 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3612812068 Lender services
361-281-2068 | 13612812068 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3612812075 Lender services
361-281-2075 | 13612812075 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3619062033 Lender services
361-906-2033 | 13619062033 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3619062218 Lender services
361-906-2218 | 13619062218 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3619062783 Lender services
361-906-2783 | 13619062783 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3642131114 Lender services
364-213-1114 | 13642131114 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3642131215 Lender services
364-213-1215 | 13642131215 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3642131414 Lender services
364-213-1414 | 13642131414 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3642131435 Lender services
364-213-1435 | 13642131435 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
3855811707 Lender services
385-581-1707 | 13855811707 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4062159980 Lender services
406-215-9980 | 14062159980 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4063032941 Lender services
406-303-2941 | 14063032941 - Robocaller Warning! - Nomorobo
4144011495 Lender services
414-401-1495 | 14144011495 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4144011603 Lender services
414-401-1603 | 14144011603 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4239064285 Lender services
423-906-4285 | 14239064285 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4343708402 Lender services
434-370-8402 | 14343708402 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4343708818 Lender services
434-370-8818 | 14343708818 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4472432374 Lender services
447-243-2374 | 14472432374 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4582762302 Lender services
458-276-2302 | 14582762302 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4582762886 Lender services
458-276-2886 | 14582762886 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4582762913 Lender services
458-276-2913 | 14582762913 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4753047709 Lender services
475-304-7709 | 14753047709 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo
4795450601 Lender services
5055817494 Lender services
5079105644 Lender services
5188153184 Lender services
5188153581 Lender services
5188153617 Lender services
5206131825 Lender services
5206133793 Lender services
5206455353 Lender services
5206542617 Lender services
5206750112 Lender services
5206812689 Lender services
5313463789 Lender services
5722409276 Lender services
5722409524 Lender services
5822341529 Lender services
5822341758 Lender services
5822341935 Lender services
6058090273 Lender services
6072977164 Lender services
6072977258 Lender services
6072977712 Lender services
6072977787 Lender services
6073089450 Lender services
6073089828 Lender services
6073089869 Lender services
6087304119 Lender services
6096121894 Lender services
6102448406 Lender services
6102448430 Lender services
6102448517 Lender services
6233095697 Lender services
6233095705 Lender services
6233095714 Lender services
6402391383 Lender services
6453334810 Lender services
6453335119 Lender services
6616402133 Lender services
6616402308 Lender services
6616402713 Lender services
6622032735 Lender services
6622032893 Lender services
6674024004 Lender services
6693472250 Lender services
6813822285 Lender services
6813822289 Lender services
6813822480 Lender services
7018007037 Lender services
7027451374 Lender services
7027460858 Lender services
7027461462 Lender services
7027462227 Lender services
7196187009 Lender services
7253351706 Lender services
7439020230 Lender services
7439020980 Lender services
8022553563 Lender services
8392382508 Lender services
8392382520 Lender services
8392382593 Lender services
8392382676 Lender services
8392385077 Lender services
8507719446 Lender services
8507719972 Lender services
8564631257 Lender services
8564631777 Lender services
8564631899 Lender services
9017387011 Lender services
9017387042 Lender services
9017387360 Lender services
9126881037 Lender services
9126881358 Lender services
9126881801 Lender services
9135495732 Lender services
9135495833 Lender services
9402232660 Lender services
9432584174 Lender services
9708517129 Lender services
9708517171 Lender services
9708517343 Lender services
9708517349 Lender services
9708517813 Lender services
9844774193 Lender services
9862487389 Lender services
9862487551 Lender services
9893632873 Lender services

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These assholes have so many scams operating on massive consecutive blocks between all listed numbers. Just pick a random number amongst any of the listed numbers and you are virtually assured of entering the lucky dip for a mystery scam on all numbers. :crazy_face:

They are all without doubt the same overseas operation, they have a limited number of calls allowed block with each caller ID, no matter which of them scams you call.
They are running the standard Google business listings bullshit, as seen with 50 gazillion robocalls captured by nomorobo every day as well as this scam below

9893634924 Debt relief (Debt Management Center) (ViciDial)

One digit down
9893634923 Google business listing (ViciDial)

There is also this nonsense being hit hard today, menus I’ve heard on thousands of numbers before in all area codes

Two robocalls from the same operation with virtually the same script. The entity and the name of the fake AI voice change on the same number.
No matter what, they all give the same toll free callback number, as the caller ID numbers are all dead ends, disconnecting the moment any button is pressed during the menu.

The toll free callback sounds like this, an AI voice named Steve, which I just kept pressing 1 after each of its outbursts. It finally transfers to the call center rabbits
8449964834 Equity Trust Group, Prime Financial Solutions (answers as Tax relief services)

  • Pause, underscore 1C. This is Eleanor calling from Equity Trust Group. I was trying to get a hold of you with some important news. We’re reaching out about potential liens and banking restrictions on your account due to unpaid government bills. But here’s the thing. There’s a new federal recovery policy that could let you have these debts dismissed entirely. No penalties, no strings. Just call back this number, 844-996-4834, so we can get started again. Call this number, 844-996, 4834. And if you’d rather opt out, just text. Stop. Don’t wait on this, call 844-996-4834.
  • Pause 1C. This is Aurora calling from Prime Financial Solutions. I was trying to get a hold of you with some important news. We’re reaching out about potential liens and banking restrictions on your account due to unpaid government bills. But here’s the thing. There’s a new federal recovery policy that could let you have these debts dismissed entirely. No penalties, no strings. Just call back this number, 844-996-4834, so we can get started again. Call this number, 844-996, 4834. And if you’d rather opt out, just text. Stop. Don’t wait on this, call 844-996-4834.
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My dialer just ripped through these idiots little neigborhood
Some of the answers are ultra happy bastards, and probably still smiling like a Cheshire cat while they steal peoples money.
While others border on pathetic life losers who can’t get a real job, destined to suckle on the teat of their big govco worshipped idols indefinitely.
They hung up every one of these search calls, some barely after they struggled to grunt “hello”

5513170770 Tax relief services

5513170771 Tax relief services

5513170772 Tax relief services

5513170773 Tax relief services

5513170774 Tax relief services

5513170775 Tax relief services

5513170776 Tax relief services

5513170777 Tax relief services

5513170778 Tax relief services

5513170779 Tax relief services

5513170780 Tax relief services

5513170781 Tax relief services

5513170782 Tax relief services

5513170783 Tax relief services

5513170784 Tax relief services

5513170785 Tax relief services

5513170786 Tax relief services

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I’m gonna make it my mission to get blocked on everyone of these numbers.


I too have gotten calls from these assholes today. The callback number is 844-996-4834.

@Jhawk @Tillianne @MehNamesJeff @MajorLeeAwesome @Hviezdoslav @CatMan @SouthernCulture_x @bgt5WDV

Here is some additional evidence of their illegal robocalls:

608-802-0783 | 16088020783 - Robocaller Warning! - Nomorobo


1 down, 1000 to go lol!

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Sadly, I think they just parked it… They do it when spooked or overwhelmed.

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I can confirm this. I thought I was going to have a couple of weeks of calls to make & it ended up being a couple of minutes LOL! Of coarse with a good provider most people will be able to call them as many times as they want.

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Yesterday I did my share of helping bring this homosexual club down they threaten me and threaten me, they did give up and finally accept that I was one that they needed to fear as there is basically zero they can do to anyone as you know you are doing nothing wrong, and they know they are the ones doing the wrong to the population of tax paying voting consumers I was able to instill that in several of the Alexes and Peters with my very threaten comments from the very begging of several hours under the skin insult and then complete abuse. I have learned this is the only way to help bring these terrorist group centers to the globe down. I had several of them bring up ole 911 so you kind of knew they were getting dam desperate when they bring that stale subject to the table.


Yes, isn’t it lovely how obnoxious relentless piece of shit robocallers breaking MULTIPLE laws threaten people who call them out on their behavior? It’s the same with damn Indian and Paki fake Medicare or DirectTV scammers. They have the nerve to threaten us with calling LEOs when they are impersonating legitimate organizations! :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

I can only imagine their attempts to contact the FBI or local law enforcement: “Hello, FBI? Yes, we are Medicare employees from the City of Habibi Dirtystan in Pakistan. Could you arrest the people bothering us with all these scambaiting calls? For real, they are not letting us scam and defraud the elderly and disabled! We can’t even robocall millions of people anymore. We even had to turn off our little nasty “Chipmunk Man’s voice” and Chopin hold music, because we are so overwhelmed and stressed out!”


Ha ha ha so true scamterminator2021! I’ve actually mocked them with similar statements when they threaten me.

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These imbeciles called me back from the following numbers (all of them are active now): 572-384-1134, 307-395-3442, 530-240-3841. Feel free to give them a call :wink:

@LordOfTheRings @Tillianne @Jhawk @Hviezdoslav @Sol

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