Lead generator sources

In speaking to many scammers, they have told me that the lead generators collect contact information from several legit sources including major retailers and Ticketmaster. I have long suspected Ticketmaster as the source. Today, for the first time in a long time I bought tickets from Ticketmaster (using a free voucher from a lawsuit settlement). Upon confirming my order, Ticketmaster asked me if I wanted to receive a promotion from Hello Fresh, ticket insurance, and whatever else. I clicked, no thanks, no thanks, quickly. To quickly, because do you know what popped up? ROYAL SEAS CRUISES. Unfortunately, I did not get a screenshot. This is confirmation of the link between Ticketmaster, the lead generators, and the scammers. Please help with confirming and getting more information on this matter. Thank you.


image travelplusjpg.jpegimage travelplusjpg.jpeg

image westgatejpg.jpeg![image westgatejpg.jpeg](replace/assets/files/2018-07-18/13:41:190-westgatejpg.jpeg)

Proof of link from Ticketmaster / Live Nation to Westgate Resorts & TravelPlus! scams. Both are presented as opt-in only promotions. My guess is in the past, these were not opt-in but default promotions. Hence, Ticketmaster / Live Nation has sold your contact info to 3rd party marketers for years.


image rscjpg.jpeg![image rscjpg.jpeg](replace/assets/files/2018-07-18/16:49:350-rscjpg.jpeg)

proof of link between Ticketmaster / Live Nation and Royal Seas Cruises

Triplebyte - Create your account

Mango Talent

This is a recruitment quiz sent via linkedin.

It is for jobs totally unrelated to one's profile. The goal here is to recruit for undesirable jobs and collect contact information to sell.

How Fake Call Centres in India are Scamming Thousands of Americans

Lead generators explained by mainstream media.

More mainstream media coverage of the scam industry from National Geographic:


Resorts rely on essentially slave labor forcing honest people to turn to scamming just to live. Lead lists are exposed and explained.