"Kingo Root for Windows" TROJAN

[color=#FF00]Link (Dangerous): [Kingo Root, the king root android app for free.](https://kingoroot.me/?

Registered via NameCheap on February 12, 2022 - Whois kingoroot.me

VirusTotal - VirusTotal - File - ccfc3aa4c60bb63ed79d27f252090f379694eadc6c1ddb2a903819530fcf3ce4

Any.Run - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/v2xhi4gwmfsmele/kingoroot-setup-v7.70-x64_x86.rar - Interactive analysis - ANY.RUN

Program contains the Spursint trojan and a variant of the Redline tracker.

Associated Facebook Account - KingoRoot - Best One Click Android Root | Facebook


Ugh! That’s ugly. Good catch!!
