Associated Telegram Server - Telegram: Contact @AileenUSDT
Scammers claim users can make money from home by simply using their mobile device to take orders on their shopping platform and help increase sales. Commissions are earned for each task completed.
Users are then asked to “log into” their store to complete said tasks, with the payment in the form of cryptocurrency:
Popup - Receber (
Registered via GoDaddy on June 11, 2022 - Whois
Associated IP Address -
Other URLS hosted on the IP Address:
Associated Discord Accounts (all from the Daily Dose of Internet server):
! gb#4335 (UID: 989711872506859540)
Eli97#1411 (UID: 989703012597518336)
Java#1233 (UID: 989706551851884544)
Bee Γÿå#6711 (UID: 989703359596478505)
2341789608791423#7079 (UID: 989717956214812714)
caroI#4882 (UID: 989718707917959199)
(UID: 989708455646482482)
(UID: 989713943238950922)
(UID: 989709882087313521)
(UID: 989705339735789648)
(UID: 989707727414640712)
(UID: 992494178950971492)
(UID: 989710625372520479)
(UID: 989702366662103131)
(UID: 989701687994351677)
(UID: 989707192133382185)
(UID: 989708872803577886)
(UID: 989703941128343583)
(UID: 989707048486842398)
(UID: 989704981923889153)
(UID: 989714083253198878)
(UID: 989713888868175882)
(UID: 989713854890131516)
(UID: 989719472325681172)