Japanese Pop Up Directory Scanner. Example: 2www.dtm9i0ugl8lq.top

import requests, tkinter, re, urllib.request, os, random
from tkinter import filedialog
from PIL import Image
from pytesseract import pytesseract

iexplore = {'User-Agent': ''}
proxyList = {"" : ""}

def DirectoryCheck2(url, name): 
    file = open("popups.log", "w")
    ml = ['jp45044', 'jp47884', 'jp42062', 'jp92737', 'jp00238', 'jp98814', 'jp45265', 'jp99019', 'jp99315', 'jp93594', 'jp63951', 'jp40813' ,
    'jp64784', 'jp42515', 'jp41079', 'jp46521', 'jp64150', 'jp44954', 'jp96807', 'jp64777', 'jp07580', 'jp44908', 'jp64186', 'jp95081' ,
    'jp22254', 'jp46143', 'jp64814', 'jp64867', 'jp97005', 'jp47134', 'jp27881', 'jp22733', 'jp66134', 'jp61566', 'jp09077', 'jp95776', 
    'jp29132', 'jp93529', 'jp68795', 'jp63976', 'jp96151', 'jp90739', 'jp33268', 'jp33295', 'jp03007', 'jp22988', 'jp33232', 'jp88387', 
    'jp88126', 'jp87862', 'jp89531', 'jp87876', 'jp25696', 'jp03027', 'jp54843', 'jp99482', 'jp28226', 'jp64785', 'jp98872', 'jp64196',
    'jp91998', 'jp41259', 'jp28328', 'jp98928', 'jp45941', 'jp98543', 'jp91642', 'jp92568', 'jp61628', 'jp99921', 'jp96815', 'jp94085',
    'jp98914', 'jp94434', 'jp95195', 'jp96857']
    for lk in list(ml):
        check = requests.get(url + '/' + lk + '/' + name, proxies = proxyList, headers = iexplore)
        if check.status_code == 200:
            print("[Status] Found --> "+lk+".")
            file.write(url + '/' + lk + '/' + name + '\n')
        elif check.status_code == 404:
            print("[Status] Not Found --> "+lk+".")
        elif check.status_code == 403:
            print("[Status] Forbidden --> "+lk+".")
            file.write('[Forbidden] ' + url + '/' + lk + '/' + name + '\n')
        elif check.status_code >= 500:
            print("[Status] Website Error --> "+lk+".")

def randomType():
    ml = ['CH', 'ED', 'IE', 'FF', 'FI', 'MA', 'IOS', 'CED']
    return random.choice(ml)
def main():
    #file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Pop Up List","*.popuplist")])
    #f = open(file, "r").read().split('\n')
    #for url in f:
    url = ''
    DirectoryCheck2(url, 'X1JP09fdfMSd'+randomType()+'hfjp1188JP007arJP/')
if __name__ == "__main__":
def GenerateNumbers(B, E, TD): ## generate from jpX to jpY
    file = open('test.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(B, E):
        file.write('jp' + str(i).zfill(TD) + '\n')

def GenerateList():
    ind = 0
    tml = []
    f = open('test.txt', 'r').read().split('\n')
    for i in f:
        tml.insert(ind, i)
        ind = ind + 1
    with open("list.txt", "w") as output:

#GenerateNumbers(444, 555, 4)