[JAMAICAN šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡²] Publisher's Clearing House, Mega Millions, Sweepstakes, and Lottery Scam Thread

Kick Ass I might give them a keg.

Thank you to everyone.

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These were called yesterday, unable to post due to site being down.

236-448-1874 PCH VM Saturday 12-09-23
516-584-7617 PCH VM Saturday 12-09-23
505-575-0233 Male VM Saturday 12-09-23 7:55PM EST

347-298-1869 Saturday 12-09-23 7:55PM EST

713-866-4001 David Weston VM Saturday 12-09-23
912-388-1677 PCH VM Saturday 12-09-23
267-873-3350 James Anderson VM Saturday 12-09-23 7:55PM EST

876-462-5790 Still Active Mike Rogers Sunday 12-10-23 4:47PM EST

876-343-4021 Still Active Jason Kennedy Sunday 12-10-23 4:49PM EST

876-228-8580 Still Active Sunday 12-10-23 4:52PM EST
509-890-7078 Still Active PCH VM Sunday 12-10-23 4:54PM EST
201-361-0276 Still Active PCH VM Sunday 12-10-23 4:57PM EST
876-235-0845 Still Active David Sunday 12-10-23 4:59PM EST

877-932-4360 VM that Todd Salone left me on Saturday 12-09-23 2:36PM EST

Hello pleasant good day, this is Mr. Todd alone with Publisher Clearing House clean Department returning your call regarded a cash prize you have one with the organization for further information about claiming your price. Please give us a call at 877-932-4360. God bless you. Have a great day. Bye.

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876-386-3180 Monday 12-11-23 1:28PM EST

516-217-0120 Male VM Monday 12-11-23 2:53PM EST

509-601-1234 Monday 12-11-23 2:58PM EST

800-952-8337 PCH VM Monday 12-11-23 3:05PM EST
866-442-8757 Ivan Shaw VM Monday 12-11-23 5:45PM EST


Only one active at the moment, guy started chatting about Hakuna Matata. I was just playing MDOTR - TURN RED to him the whole time. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I called and left a message of it playing with me saying ā€˜Batti Boi yuh no be gettin duh pussy. Go suck duh buddies like yuh fada do rassklaat.ā€™

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Which number?

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[quote=ā€œFIREFIGHTER619, post:1156, topic:101740ā€]


You are doing a great service posting these people answering. I am given a general idea of what to expect if the number is still active. Thank you


Your welcome! I really enjoy doing this. I used to wanna talk to them and get what info I could. But now as long as they answer, thatā€™s good enough for me. I saw someone posted a while back that the 876 numbers were toll free. I kinda chuckled. And my old recordings help me out so much where I can go back and listen to make sure itā€™s the same voice. So most of them are correct. And 876 is almost a given since I donā€™t see any other scammer using that area code


+15185077033 says heā€™s from Trinidad. Then migrated to the United States of America in the background I could hear Jamaican frogs. Have fun @CatMan This oneā€™s extra foolish.


518-507-7033 Peter Mark Monday 12-11-23 10:34PM EST

347-379-1280 PCH VM Monday 12-11-23 10:44PM EST
888-496-8582 PCH VM Monday 12-11-23 10:51PM EST
888-874-0102 PCH VM Monday 12-11-23 10:54PM EST


@FIREFIGHTER619 2 calls received this morning from the PCH. 509-601-1234 called and I insulted him. 518-507-7033 called right back and started breathing hard in the phone without speaking.

Heā€™s on some serious drugs today @CatMan The same numbers harassing my lines. This fool got blockedā€¦

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I may or may not have been racially insensitive when he opened his mouthā€¦

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Well sometimes the mouth slips.

This guyā€™s awful evil souled

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He said something that was not coherent. I went off on him and told him that his ā€˜Pig Pickneyā€™ will burn in a fire and he will watch. ā€˜Pig Childrenā€™

I donā€™t understand. his motivation into saying such stormy stuff

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876-373-6827 Tuesday 12-12-23 12:29PM EST

718-554-3304 Todd Salone Tuesday 12-12-23 12:30PM EST

VM he left me at 9:10AM EST

Hi, this is Mr. Todd Salon returning your call. from the Publishers Clearing House Please give me a call as soon as you get my message. Thank you. Bye.

516-243-0680 Todd Salone Tuesday 12-12-23 1:08PM EST

Another VM 1:03PM EST
Hello, this is Todd Sloan calling you from the Publishers Clearing House can only call us back at 516-243-0680. This is Todd Salon calling you from the Publishers Clearing House. price claims department Kindly, call us back at 516-243-0680. Thank you.
929-270-1900 Ivan Shaw Tuesday 12-12-23 1:11PM EST

876-586-8344 Tuesday 12-12-23 2:13PM EST


I said things right back that are only said in Jamaica. I can mock their accent enough that they feel humiliated by one of their own. I canā€™t understand what they say very well but thatā€™s where over talking them comes in. My last call I told him that he sucks a buddy like heā€™s drinking through a straw. (Yuh suck a buddy like yuh jink tru a straw)

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