6463673731 / 646-367-3731 PCH and American Senior Citizens Lottery
He doesn’t like being DTMF tone spammed, no sense of humor the wannabe tough guy trans candidate
5182239982 / 518-223-9982 PCH and American Senior Citizens Lottery
KNOWN NUMBER (Typical multiple threads for the same number)
He still doesn’t like being DTMF tone spammed, while he anxiously awaits the next pride month parade
We happily to announce to you on the behalf of PCH and American senior citizens lottery that you have being draw as a lucky winner. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of USD $3,500,000 on a certified cashier’s check. Congratulation. Congratulations. Congratulations. All participants in this lottery program were selected randomly through a ballot system drawn from individual coupon. Call back company ASAP at 518-223-9982 again, 518-223-9982