2177080517 / 217-708-0517 PCH claims number 4258
3864778643 / 386-477-8643 PCH claims number 4258
Voicemail (Identical menu on both numbers, I spooked him with hang up calls on the first number )
This is a secure phone call from the PCH Publishers Lottery center in association with the American Prize Giveaways event located in Jericho, New York. Please get yourself a clean sheet of paper and a writing pen. 386-477-8643. This is to inform you that your name has been randomly selected as one of our monthly recipients in our major prize event and lottery. Your prize award is $7,500,000 a brand car and $10,000 every week for the rest of your life. Your claims number is 4258. Please press one now to speak with a live agent. Note, this is a certified PCH award that has been approved by the Commission Bureau of Competitions, along with PCH. Regarding your $10,000 cash award, press one now to contact your claims agent in the claims department or call 386-477-8643 I repeat, 386-477-8643 rest assured, all prizes are completely free and fully guaranteed. No hidden fees, just excitement.