[JAMAICAN 🇯🇲] Publisher's Clearing House, Mega Millions, Sweepstakes, and Lottery Scam Thread

This is typical of these brain dead tree frog lickers

This shitforbrains manages to have his second line robocalling, while simultaneously scamming an elderly victim on the Nomorobo recording and text transcript.
With typical uncouth, vulgarity, this bullshit artist barks out knuckle dragging grunting sounds, which resembles demanding the elderly lady to go into the bank and make a withdrawal.
Cro-Magnon man coconut head-butters show no signs of evolution in the last 40,000 years in these parts. :rage::rage:

6802065447 PCH claim code 651241 PCH

Active little bitch

This call is from the Publishers Clearing House, in affiliation with the Mega Millions Cash Awards. Your call is being monitored and recorded for quality assurance purposes. First and foremost, the Mega Millions is pleased to officially announce you as the winner in the 100 million dollar Golden Harvest Sweepstakes giveaway, sponsored by the Publishers Clearinghouse, Readers Digest, and the Multistate Lottery association. As a grand prize winner. You’ll be awarded with a total cash prize of $18.5 million, along with the most awesome bonus prize ever, $5,000 a week for life, and a brand new 2024 Mercedes Benz with five years warranty, 36 months free auto insurance, and a gas card which will allow you gas free of cost for up to 36 months. Your claim code is 651241 PCH. Again, that’s 651241 PCH. Have your claim code handy, and call your agent at telephone number 680-206-5447 to claim your prize. Again, call telephone number 680-206-5447 to claim your prize. But we have to make the delivery and get over it. Okay, I will go back to. That’s all you have to do. You don’t even have to go into the, and, and you gotta let me know that you’re in the parking lot. You got to say, Peter, I’m in the parking lot. Yeah, I’ll leave the line open. Please go ahead now. Let me know when you’re in the car, please. You. That’s.