Is this a technical support scammer?

Scam Number: 1-888-988-8819 1-877-312-5066
Extra Info: ADDRESS: 27615 US 27, SUITE 109, PMP#116. Leesburg, Fl 34748

@Foxytrout depends also on where did you find the number? How did you come across them? Please check Posting Guidelines - Important to keep our quality up for further information.

When I typed in their address to check them out, it brought me to here.

They installed network security but i haven’t paid them.

They got in touch with me and wanting me to pay for network security. Said I was being hacked.

Windows Tech Support Scam is the thread that they found on here.

The post is fairly old, with the first number having really nothing to it and it just rings forever, and the second going to a Radius Solutions LLC in Oregon with numlookup saying their caller ID is DSOFT. However calling the second number leads me to tech support, but they want a customer ID and won’t tell me who they are. The third number, your 5066 number, answers as Resonate Solutions, but rings indefinitely.

Yes it is.