Introducing HEAL HAVEN (HH) - A free forum; mental health safe space created by me

Hi Folks,

I’m excited to share my new Mental Health Initiative: Heal Haven (HH).

Since Mid/Late March of 2024, I’ve been working on creating a Mental Health forum designed to support people GLOBALLY. You can find it by CLICKING HERE - If the button doesn’t work, feel free to copy and paste the following link into your chosen browser:

The forum offers various dedicated categories such as [pure] venting, depression, anxiety, PTSD, Veterans Support and loads more → both already added and still to be added. There’s also of course a built-in private chat with end to end encryption should the user wish to directly enable it, a comprehensive resources section sorted by continent / country filled with mental health services (their links and phone numbers).

You can participate as anonymously as you please and share only what you’d like/feel comfortable with, when you’d like and how you’d like - no pressure there. My hope is that this becomes a truly utilized resource and that’ll it’ll foster a supportive community alongside reducing the burden on existing support lines, provide a pathway for those quietly struggling to speak up more with confidence and make new friends as well as help people see that life is worth living!

This forum is also powered by DISCOURSE, same as is, so practically the same SIMPLE (quick & easy) straightforward navigation/UI. I’ve also been printing out some posters I made as a first time adobe photoshop user to try and promote it locally so I’ve been extremely busy with this project and giving it my all. I’m really hoping it does not fail as I believe in the potential and value this holds for everyone.

Thanks for reading; love to all! :green_heart:

@OfclyGoodenough @scamterminator2021 @JusticeinTexas @MajorLeeAwesome @Tillianne @drwat @Jhawk @LordOfTheRings @FIREFIGHTER619 @Sol


Jeff, this is fantastic!

Congratulations and I hope it works out for you and for all those who will benefit :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you for sharing and kudos, this is an important issue my friend. Much love!


That’s so cool!! :heart: