Another in the series of 855 toll free prefix, streaming TV and phone service numbers and websites who are from the same operation as many others
Another in the long list of Internet, streaming TV and phone service numbers and websites who are the same operation
This place has another non existing street address, 2163 E Fairview Ave STE 150, Meridian, ID 83642 listed. There is no such address and no building they could possibly be in on that street
8553524556 Internet TV Quotes TV/Internet/streaming/wireless/phone (ViciDial)
8553671391 Internet TV Quotes TV/Internet/streaming/wireless/phone (ViciDial)
They’re not legit
All the numbers route to the same place under multiple website entity names.
Fake addresses, wherever you look there’s nothing legitimate about any of them.
Trust me
I still have another entity which the call characteristics and answer sound identical with website and 4 numbers to that one
Then another with identical call characteristics, website and two numbers for them
All up there will be 14 numbers and 6 different entities all to the same operation.
All the others are still answering but I’ll list them tomorrow
I just called the next one to list a couple of minutes ago which has the 4 numbers and they sound like this as a sneak preview
p.s I also should mention their website domain registration is just under 2 years old and expires in less than 4 months…a BIG REG FLAG for these things