This side Alex doesn’t understand English. I asked to speak to the person in charge of cckscking and he said that he was in charge. Someone must have been listening because he cried out “Leave us alone” and hung up.
Rundi was thoroughly confused. She told me that she was from PayPal. I told her that no US state has 8.25% sales tax. She told me the items were shipped to Dayton Ohio.
I told her that can’t be, because Ohio only has a statewide sales tax of 5.75 percent.
She hung up.
I got “Harry” next and after I told him that I didn’t make the order, he said “I understand that you didn’t make this fraudulent order, do you want to cancel it or keep the order.”
I hate when they ask a question that is that stupid. "So, there is a fraudulent order that I didn’t make and I’ll be billed for it, and you want to know if I want to cancel it? Can you name one person on this entire planet of 8 Billion people who would want to pay for a fraudulent order?’
All I get is “Stop calling us - How did you get this number?” (858-492-7822). He asked who I was so I told him ‘CatMan Cyber Intrusion and Policing Task Force.’ Oh the things he yelled…