In need help finding numbers (both this site and the Discord) and are not enough. More than 95% of the calls I try are either invalid or they hang up on themselves. I’ve tried googling “tech support” and setting the date to within 24 hours, but there’s hundreds of thousands of results and I can’t tell the difference between legit and fake websites. What do you suggest to help me find numbers faster. What do Jim Browning / Kitboga, etc use to quickly get those scam tech support numbers?


you can use the command site: to better search for scams, Just put the website address after, like this:
After that you can put your key words, I prefer using the quotes around some or all of them, meaning the results should have those key words in each of them. After that, setting to past day, or week, will also help.

Also you would need to be somewhat active on both sites to find ones that are up and running. You could also check around on nomorobo, but that’s a lot of clicking, And if you are interested the scammers are open and working 24/7 and there are many, many, MANY numbers of theirs to call!

Next would just to be calling scams, and baiting them enough that they put you on their lists that they sell off, or call again later with a new scam, or the same one. This takes time and effort however, so it can take time.

As for how Kitboga and Jim Browning get so many calls, Kit has a lot of numbers that he has been calling and using for many months, if not years, and since he is baiting them, he gets on a lot of lists. He also has people submitting the numbers to him through a form. As for Jim, I don’t know.

At this site, BobRTC, ,, , google search, plus your own incoming scam calls

I like this Google search:

"customer support" is some kind of Google My Business nonsense that doesn’t seem to be moderated very well, so there’s tons of fake customer support sites on there.


I know I’m gonna use this, thanks.

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You’re looking for them is not going to solve your number issues.
Wait for the scammers call you. Use they call you there quick. If any business on alibaba try to do business “outside” their messenger… its 100% scam. That’s how the last scammer got me. just sayin… good luck

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Webcontactus, Issuu, Youtube. Search items like “norton helpline” and very often you find working scam numbers. Muguguestbook is very useful if you like to get scam emails. One day last week I got 18 messages from “Norton billing department”. For robocalls nomorobo.

Google search "site : “” support phone number also works.

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yeah but that only target 1. We need to target the call centers the voice in the back still going. Every call still…