Improvement at TLS? Need your opinions

Hi all.

Over at TLS, the official discord server, we need help.

We need your feedback on what we can improve and change to increase activity, to get old members back, and bring new ones in.

We’re doing things like getting new mods in order to prepare for any actions we take, and to help with current demands. What else would you like to see done?

Let us know!



Weekly activities, calls in general voice channels?

I'm a old member, can I still join back? 😅🤔

@PlayerFridei#187149 yes you can join.

Yea I’d love to join again, but have had some issues with my discord kicking me out

@dillpickle778#187174 What’s your Discord User and Discrim? I’ll look into it.

Lets move to the Matrix network. It is more secure than Discord.

@rinxlen#187241 TLS is well established, and we do not have the capability or authority to migrate platforms.

@Neooom#187265 Ok! just wanted to put my opinion out! :slight_smile:

@rinxlen#187241 Matrix also has a plethora of issues itself. Very inefficient, and poorly developed.

@Lecter#187349 I know. but is is secure, I just want all of us to be safe from hacking/malware.

@Lecter#187175 i got it all figured out, it was an individual who gained access to my account and was just messing with me, leaving my servers. I changed passwords and turned on 2fa, only for him to bypass it and gain access again. Discord support has my account basically locked down now so me and only me can sign in. I reset every piece of tech I had that had discord on it, as obviously they have access to something.

@Neooom In Server Call Flooder will bring a bunch in to use it

@SPC-LWX#188438 that’s illegal.