Scam Number: 646 970-0516
Cold called me saying that they are Social Security Disability. Apparently I was found to be disabled and I qualified for a government payment if $2,600/month, tax free!
All they need is my first, middle, last name, home address and social security number.
Carrier: with SMS Enabled
Dialer Used: ViciDial
Call Center Location: Pakistan
Answers as: “My Disability Assist,” the “Social Security Disability Department” with “My Disability Benefits,” the “Social Security Association,” “Social Security Benefits,” “Social Security Disability Assist” or “Social Security Reservation”
Agents: “Mark,” “John,” “Peter,” “Jennifer”
Supervisor: “Tom Wilson”
Falsely Claims: Qualified for ACA Card, $2,600/month, free quotes for final expense
Phonebots Deployed: Lenny, Kenny
I first spoke with “Jennifer” who asked for my name, birthday and ZIP code before transferring me to “Tom,” who was too invasive to provide “suppoat.” Subsequent rundis were also too invasive, so I flooded their lines with conference calls.
Lahore, Pakistani. They sure are an angry bunch of beggars. The “senior supervisor”, Tom went on a racist rant that would make the KKK proud.
He added that they are going to unalive every filthy American and “every white MFer on the planet” which is interesting after calling me the N word repeatedly.
they don’t like the P word
I was just on the phone with them for over 45 minutes. It’s all just an elaborate scheme to steal all personal information for identity theft. I played passive so I could understand the whole scam, and they still disconnected me. When I called back, they got vile, of course.
The fake agent (Brian) called me back, spoofing the real SSA.