"I made a game, can you test play? DISCORD TROJAN FROM GITHUB

[color=#FF00]Link (Dangerous): bxrg3mxn/M5Game_v3.rar at main · bxrg3mxn/bxrg3mxn · GitHub [/color]


VirusTotal - VirusTotal - File - 3f14ec2e7f63227794b8579bd9ac8b98f0fa6b598324572ea6e438d40ec64092

Any.Run - M5Game_v3.zip (MD5: 992ED926F71D0B8CA8242F6711AAB127) - Interactive analysis - ANY.RUN

Program contains several trojans, including Asprotect, Eldorado, Kryptik, Sabsik, SusGen & a variant of the Redline Tracker. The program is designed to steal the victim’s Discord & Steam accounts.

Associated GitHub Account - bxrg3mxn · GitHub

Associated IP Addresses: (transfer.sh) (http://ctldl.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authrootstl.cab?5c44531f5c308f9d)

It’s a Redline stealer? Well that’s surprising that these fools keep trying to crypt their stubs but fail so badly that it’s seen right through. What’s more surprising is they use github to host the stub which is owned by Microsoft themseleves I can’t say all skids are built the same, this has to be one of the worst ones I’ve seen


“skids” never will create their own stealers and crypt them with their obfuscation.

More than likely no but idk, a simple crypter is $25/mo or so.