How to call flood scammers

When you initially run the script, you get trial credit; if you deposit $20, you may use this method to call flood fraudsters. Fill out the open-source Python script found below with all the necessary details, including your Twilo Token, SID, etc. Twilio charges $1 for each number, so buying 13 numbers will cost you $13 in credits. More is always better. Fill out each number you purchase on Twilio after entering the data for the Twilio API in the script. When you complete this script successfully, you can flood the banchodes. The only problem is that it lacks caller ID spoofing, which makes it a poor approach, but I found it to be VERY successful. You need a lot of numbers—probably at least 10 to 15 numbers. Enjoy!

JUST PLEASE NOTE YOUR ACCOUNT MAY GET SUSPENDED BECAUSE OF A LOT OF NUMBERS, it’s a downside to using Twilo but it is what it is.


Very interesting and an alternative to using SIP.
I have a small flooder (six numbers, but I can spoof) and I simultaneously use three phone apps on each of my cell phones for an additional six numbers, but the cell requires manual input and is labor intensive.
How many times can you use these numbers?


You may use these numbers as often as you like as long as you pay for them individually or until they are blocked. There is no call spoofing in the script, thus you will just need to obtain new numbers if they are blocked or have a very broad variety of numbers so they are difficult to block. Most scammers will stop after 13+ numbers calling them at ones and just disconnect the phone system.