How do I start scambaiting?

Hello, I want to start scambaiting, what do I need to do it and how do I get a phone number that works with a VPN, because I don’t want to use my normal phone number and they have access to my location and ip etc. Also if there’s anything else I would need that would be great! Thank you!


you can use textnow

I use Talkatone for a phone number this is completely safe also set up a vm and a gmail account for scammers as they will probably ask for this as they will sell that sort of info then you will probs get a tone of scam emails



Text now 2nd line all fake info name address phone

… Email …

Cool, thanks for the info guys! I start trying to set things up tomorrow, sounds like a ton of fun to do and to mess with them if you have free time. I won’t be able to do any computer hacking and backtracking like on videos but I can sure waste their time

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welcome yes you can use textnow to call scammers works without a vpn but if you let them connect to your vm you should use a vpn
if you have any questions feel free to ask or join my server

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Here’s a great guide: So, you want to scambait?

I’d recommend joining our Discord server as well, plenty of people online to help when you need:

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TextNow and/or BobRTC for calls. I also use anonymous prepaid numbers but they are not legal in all countries. Use virtual machine if you like to bait tech support/refund scammers. Use VPN which have killswitch function so scammer can’t see your real ip address even if vpn drops. Use also some emails for scambaiting.

Also use Grabify and hope they click the link. You get their IP address plus you can send them to most websites that do not have profanity’s in the URL. Basically it tweaks the previous URL to a custom one

I made this video showing how it operates - How to easily obtain IP addresses from scammers - YouTube

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Welcome to the form :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Use text now or 2nd line … All fake info … Phone
name address … if messing with social security
scammers use fake s s # there is web sites for
that …