"Home Warranty Division" - (800) 692-4491

Carrier: ThinQ
Call Center Location: United States of America :us:
Answers as: “Home Warranty Services” (Refuses to provide legal name of company)
Technicians: Thomas Taylor, Ken, John and Abraham

The scammers sent a fraudulent “time sensitive” letter to my mailbox, falsely informing me that the property’s “home warranty may be expiring or have already expired.” I cannot proceed further, as the scammers refused to provide a legal name for their company.

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Guy told me the were “first party providers” and asked how I got their number. Insists they aren’t scamming.

ur sure these are scams?

Yes, due to the presence of several red flags:

  • Refusal to disclose legal company name
  • Mailing of “final notice” letter widely issued by other fraudulent providers.
  • Fraudulently claiming the letter was made on behalf of my bank.
  • Failing to cover anything as advertised.
  • Refusal to accept calls from existing clients.

800 692 4491 some insisted they were not scamming, but after talking and walking over them there are some that gave in to the call-out game.