We were calling a tech support scammer, a friend started making jerking sounds and started moaning, the scammer started moaning and saying “louder”, after a couple hindi insults he left his computer letting us hear other scammers scamming other people. number is 1-844-809-2881 (worked with skype)
(we found two more numbers that seem to be picking up, and pretty much doing the same thing: 1-844-572-6188 & 1-(844) 572-6188)
It did not work for me idk why
it’s working but they must be getting a lot of our calls because the first thing he asked me (before I had a chance to speak) is if I was “Mike” (I assume that’s one of you guys) and started telling me jokes LOL. Freely admitted that they are scamming and that we’re getting in their way lol.
I got into a google hangouts call on my dextop and put the scammers on my cell phone (FireRTC is luv), and we were all slamming out Hindi insults and they were just laughing. Overall, the scammers and I had a good time. Atleast they weren’t angry little censoreds to me
LOL, just had a big long chat with the owner. I broke the news to him that I am his father and that he is my daughter. After half an hour the thing that made him grumpy was to find out that I’ve called before and that his number blocking didn’t work! LOL amateurs.
The number doesn’t seem to work on FireRTC
Have been having the same issue myself, i think they started blocking all numbers because of to many “prank calls”, try calling them again in about half an hour.
Still down. They may have given up on this number?
1-844-572-6188 is working now on FireRTC
Oh yeah… Nyeh