Hermant Chand's Norton Lifelock - (844) 658-1898

Scam Number: 844-658-1898
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:


using va.help247.site with code 33057


Lot of scam-choots in this call center.

mp.help247.site Secure code: 12471


“Thank you for calling Norton, how can I help you?”

Attempted callback from ‪(415) 251-0726‬ (Edward from Norton Lifelock)



This is Telcoline, are knot and them connected?
The team have noticed there’s been no knot numbers in 2 weeks.


getting disconnects from two different numbers :thinking:


I think i already posted that. I have had to burn numbers and make new ones each call. They are pussy’s
(213) 265-9713 Same Chodstool’s


noted…are they still answering?

1 Like

415-251-0726 Still Active Wednesday 8-30-23 1:22PM EST

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A new book I’m writing " Skynet n the Return of the Terminator

Knot Networks: Unravelling the Malevolence of the Scammer"

Scammers, individuals who engage in fraudulent activities to deceive and exploit others for personal gain, are often viewed as malevolent actors within society. While the term “evil” may be subjective and carry moral connotations, the actions of scammers undoubtedly cause harm, suffering, and financial losses to countless victims. This essay seeks to explore the reasons behind why scammers are perceived as evil, delving into the psychological, ethical, and societal aspects that contribute to this perception.

I. Deception and Betrayal

One of the primary reasons scammers are considered evil is their propensity for deception and betrayal. They employ various tactics to gain the trust of their victims, only to exploit that trust for financial gain. Deceit lies at the core of their actions, as they manipulate emotions, relationships, and vulnerabilities to achieve their malicious objectives. This betrayal of trust is particularly heinous because it preys on the goodwill and trust that people naturally place in others.

II. Financial Ruin and Emotional Distress

Scammers not only deceive but also inflict severe financial and emotional harm on their victims. Victims often suffer significant financial losses, sometimes resulting in bankruptcy or financial ruin. Beyond the financial aspect, victims endure emotional distress, embarrassment, and psychological trauma due to the realization that they have been duped. The consequences of these scams can lead to lasting mental health issues, affecting victims long after the scam has occurred.

III. Exploitation of Vulnerable Individuals

Scammers frequently target vulnerable individuals who may be less informed or less capable of recognizing the fraudulent activities. This includes the elderly, immigrants, and those facing economic hardships. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, scammers demonstrate a blatant disregard for the well-being of those who are already struggling, amplifying the perception of evil in their actions.

IV. Preying on Basic Human Needs

Scammers often exploit basic human needs and desires, such as the need for love, belonging, and financial security. Romance scams, investment frauds, and other forms of deception manipulate these fundamental human emotions, making their actions appear especially heartless. Their ability to exploit these basic needs underscores the depths of their malevolence.

V. Escalating and Evolving Tactics

Scammers continually adapt and develop new tactics, making it increasingly challenging for individuals and authorities to combat their activities effectively. This constant evolution suggests a calculated effort to maximize their gains and evade detection, emphasizing the malicious nature of their actions.

VI. Legal and Ethical Violations

Scammers knowingly and deliberately engage in illegal activities, disregarding societal norms and ethical principles. Their actions infringe upon the law and undermine the foundations of trust that societies rely upon for cohesion. The blatant disregard for legality and ethics further reinforces the perception of their malevolence.

In conclusion, scammers are often perceived as evil due to their calculated use of deception, betrayal, and exploitation to harm their victims. Their actions inflict financial ruin and emotional distress on individuals, with a particular focus on exploiting vulnerable populations and basic human needs. The evolving nature of their tactics and their disregard for legality and ethics further contribute to their malevolent image. While the term “evil” may be subjective, the consequences of scammer actions undeniably result in widespread harm and suffering, making them a scourge on society that must be addressed and combated through education, awareness, and law enforcement efforts.