So I called +1 888-829-5571 and I started to waste the fake tech support scammers time. And I hung up after they caught on. Well now I’m receiving calls from all over the country and shit lol and they think it’s fake tech support. I asked one of the callers to see what number it was he called and that lead him to calling me and he said it was the “888-829-5571” and Now i don’t know what to do lol help? Haha
@Lights12#13595 they are routing their calls to your number now. For now, just allow contacts to only call you. Also use firertc to call scammers. Never use your real number
Sometimes this happens to me but since I use Sideline I can just send calls to voicemail lol
You can also use it as an opportunity to warn and educate the people calling you.
LOOL! I just called you. Haha. Ya, change your number for sure and use firertc next time.
@scraps210#13597 thanks man lol I already changed my number but I will use firertc
@Lights12#13595 yo know what i do to call scammers i use google voice so here is what you should do make a new google account and use google voice it gives u a number and it seems legit for scammers and they most likely will pick up more
tbh, make your caller id the number your calling. FireRTC allows this, and they’ll think you got transfered. Plus, they can’t block their own number