"Health Advisors" REBORN! [American] +1 (205) 418-9018

I’ve been tracking these fucking pests for days now and have plenty more I located overnight last night

There is also another huge operation with 624 almost consecutive numbers doing the same Medicare type fraud and have previously had thousands of other numbers for the same operation

This is serious shit and far surpasses the tired old refund or tech support nonsense most people are obsessed with. Those tired old aging scams are very low percentage these days and the odds are getting worse all the time.

Government impersonations, tax forgiveness, Medicare or health benefits type fraud runs into the tens of billions of dollars yearly and in many instances the idiotic government departments actually facilitate this and hand over taxpayer funds to criminals, all due to the compulsory nature of imbecile governments around the world meddling into compulsory legislation in fields they have no fucking business to claim any sort of expert knowledge of market conditions.

How is it that a collection of lying pieces of shit of all persuasions, run for office and suddenly become expert at making decisions in all sorts of field they know fuck all about. Career bureaucrats are no better, overpaid lobbyists for personal, party or corporate gain.

They don’t call them the 110 club in psychology circles for nothing…the average IQ of all governments around the world is no more than 110…moron level imbeciles who can barely dress themselves without special needs assistance.

This is the biggest dollar scam operation currently occurring by far