Google Voice not acting right

As of 5 am Est my GV is not working properly. I dial the number, call while I’m calling that number another unknown number starts ringing constantly. When I hang up with the number I dialed the phone keeps ringing. And now, was doing something else and it just randomly called a number. When I go back to it, it shows nothing. The only way to stop the call is to refresh the page. If anyone else that uses GV has the problem or if it’s a me problem or VoIP issue please let me know. Never had this issue before.


No problem with my GV as of 5:24 AM PST

No issues on mine C. Try clearing out cache, history, cookies, etc. in your browser settings (>settings: >clear browsing data) and see if that resolves it. You’ll have to log back into all your sites, but it can get clogged sometimes. I do it once every week.