Have been calling all the numbers, could not get anyone to pickup play nice game of scam with me right now. I don’t know what I did to them, but they refuse to pick up play with me. They think they are special because they are in Lahore Pakistan.
There is 3159 active numbers running this scam
I’m still picking up more of them every day.
There is also a couple of other variations of this scam, the menu sounds very similar but with distinct differences in the ivr options.
There is also another variation with almost a dozen more toll free numbers, which has fake AI bot sounds as it pretends to search for your number and account (which it always manages to miraculously find as a customer).
They occasionally deactivate a number or two that get too much attention, but they have a pool of several hundred numbers I know of which they bring online to replace whatever they bring down.
In total they have used well in excess of 3600 toll free numbers across every prefix for this scam, now and most of the same numbers being reused from the Comcast X-finity menu & script which predated the Spectrum script.
Many numbers have been deactivated completely, thou hundreds remain in a state of limbo.
This is one of the only things I’ve been targeting for roughly the last couple of months, due to persistent serious health issues I’ve been confronted with which required a realignment of priorities.
The after hours menu on every one of these numbers is unmistakable, the same as the daylight hours menu also being unique to this scam operation.
I thought for a long time that 3000 numbers may be the ceiling, but now I have a feeling there may be as many as 4000 toll free numbers.
Almost sounds like it connects to legit Charter but alas they want gift cards. Can be skiddish about your “account” info and want a "verification code. If you BS enough they keep talkin
here’s a challenge for anybody wants to take it let’s have this number shut down 8889601830 https://questblue.com/
they want me to contact the local law enforcement to have this number removed
he will not give me an abuse email address to report this
I think this company is working for the scammers