Scam Number: 1-(509)-(524)-8188
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Please find the order details below. Also, the order can be cancelled or modified within 2 days of the transaction.
Your Order Has Been Processed
Invoice Info
Invoice confirmation: 660865298
Seller: Geek Squad Inc,
Purchased Item: Security
Delivery + Handling: Free
Total Payment: USD490.18
Shipping & delivery details
Account Id: 1081-930-3313
Wallet Id: 5abdb305-e327-45e6-b1f8-89f914a38653
It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your wallet. payment Method: Account/CC
If you have any questions about your order details, please contact us by calling Customer Care: 1-(509)-(524)-8188
PayPals Conversion Rate: 1 USD = 0.850
Converted From: USD490.18
Converted To: USD490.18
This rate includes a currency conversion spread.