Geek squad refund 888-927-9245

Scam Number: 888-927-9245
Scammer’s Website or Email: [email protected]
Additional information about this scam: Active


The Screenconnect site was blocked so he sent me to Anydesk. I refused…so he hung up.


I posted this on TSU in case Scammer Revolts wants to do his thing with reversal.

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Theya rent answering anymore, so good luck for Scammer Revolts

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number is active again

This has to be the stupidest bunch I have EVER spoken with!

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They are not answering for me and its going to VM

Carrier: RingCentral
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Geek Squad services”
Technician: “Jordan”
Cancellation Number: DC7010
Case Number: RK091613
Falsely Claims: Geek Squad activated from my IP
Remote Access Software: ConnectWise from (Nickname: “Secure Server,” Code: 13UV25L) or UltraViewer (Nickname: “Robo-technician server,” ID: 84639468/DESKTOP-U4DJ2IC)


Once remotely connected to my virtual machine, the incredibly-deaf “Jordan” asked me to fill out a “cancellation form.” Once complete, I was asked to log into my nonexistent bank account.

  • Since I don’t do online banking, “Jordan” consulted with the “financial team” and started a “monitoring process” that involves the failed installation of ConnectWise, disabling Microsoft Defender Firewall and once again failing to go to
  • The scammers then attempted to install Google Chrome, prompting me to refuse as they were doing so without my prior consent, so they viewed my downloads folder and the list of programs and features I had on my computer.
  • They were finally able to gain access to, but the download never succeeded. So, he downloaded again and got it running on my virtual machine before blanking my screen with a fake software update and asking me to enroll in online banking.
  • The scammer then falsely claimed one of my cards with the fake bank was used to make the purchase and that they would call me back in 2 hours. “Jordan” gave me his personal GoTextMe number of (858) 360-5147, and I blasted his ears with the Bhenchod Song.
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