Geek Squad Email Refund Scam

Scam Number: 808 444 3389
Domain Used: (when you get on the phone they use it)
Extra Info: ID
Product name
Total amount
Transaction date
Payment Mode
Geek Best Buv Service
$389 99
April 05, 2022
It’s a VoIP by Onvoy
Edit: MajorLeeAwesome has said (678).208-9585 is also one of their numbers.
It’s also a VoIP by google, So its probably a Google Voice number

That’s all I got, mess with them



These 808 area codes are usually good. These Norton scammers don’t disappoint.
@Tagow This seems like a good one for you!!

Wanted me to connect with
Dude was SUPER ANGRY!!!

Baha, how angry?

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I wasted 18 minutes of his time and he was screaming so loudly, that his headset was all distorted! :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

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Add: (678).208-9585 Same call center

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No longer answering either number.

They use screen connect. Need to disable Windows service.
They also do Amazon scam

Report to Bandwidth, Bandwidth usually sells to Google Voice uses"Screen Connect" nasty remote connect. One needs to disable it in Windows services.