Flight Booking Scam 1-844-559-0696

Scam Number: 1-844-559-0696
Scammer’s Website or Email: https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/idea/85780bfc-21d3-ee11-92be-000d3a0e6cad
Additional information about this scam: Flights booking scam this number 1-844-559-0696 provide fake information for Expedia…

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844 559 0696 just finished up with the spoot glove development survey from plane travels services it was tough on them but was ablbe to get some results.
Left-hand grey, frank,mark,
Right-hand ray , norm
Both hands dwayne , ben also
hazel norma are considering 17" and grace wants power pool size.



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callback number is 1-888-502-2596 still working
convinced them that i was freddy fazbear from five nights at freddys and they believed my email was “[email protected]

these too are scammers. Many scam posts are available online.
